Climate Consultation Action

Do you desperately want the council to act on climate change? If you only do one thing this year, then please take part in Leicester City Council’s Climate Emergency Consultation before it closes on 9/2/20. And please ask your friends to do the same.

To help with this we’ve put together a briefing (focusing on the important things which are missing from the consultation) which you can see and download here.

You can either:

  • Go to the council website and fill in their consultation survey
  • Write a letter to saying the things you feel should be included in the council’s Climate Emergency Action Plan
  • Use our on-line template letter which will only take a couple of minutes (this will carry much less weight with the council than a personal letter or survey response, so if you have the time and energy to do your own response, please do.)
  • Come to our Climate consultation drop-in event 1-4pm on Sun 2nd Feb at Quest Gaming Café, 45 Belvoir St and do your consultation response in company and with support – or bring a friend who has never done this before.

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